..What Future for Military Intervention in Mozambique?...

تاريخ الإضافة السبت 11 أيار 2024 - 6:27 ص    عدد الزيارات 538    التعليقات 0


..What Future for Military Intervention in Mozambique?...

The southern African mission in Mozambique is slated to wrap up in July, but some troops will remain, as neighbouring countries worry that the jihadist insurgency in Cabo Delgado is rebounding. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Meron Elias and Pauline Bax explain the concerns.



Sri Lanka’s Bailout Blues: Elections in the Aftermath of Economic Collapse…...

 الخميس 19 أيلول 2024 - 11:53 ص

Sri Lanka’s Bailout Blues: Elections in the Aftermath of Economic Collapse…... The economy is cen… تتمة »

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