..Women’s Lives under Islamic State in Niger’s Tillabery..

تاريخ الإضافة الجمعة 30 آب 2024 - 4:50 م    التعليقات 0


..Women’s Lives under Islamic State in Niger’s Tillabery..

In recent years, an Islamic State branch has deepened its influence in rural Tillabery, near Niger’s border with Mali. Women there have long navigated difficult conditions, but the jihadists have made things worse. Niamey and partners should undertake initiatives to help women overcome these challenges.



..The Islamic State in Somalia: Responding to an Evolving Threat...

 الجمعة 13 أيلول 2024 - 11:00 ص

..The Islamic State in Somalia: Responding to an Evolving Threat... An Islamic State branch has a… تتمة »

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